
Friday, 21 December 2012

Winter Winds

  The 21th was considered to be "end of the world" for some, but to others, like me, it was just the first day of winter. The sun was so amazing today and the temperature so nice... a perfect day to go for a walk.

  As I said before, there's nothing as beautiful as the winter sun and the little plants that can still survive to the cold that spreads through the air.

Welcome winter.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Last autumn day

  As 21th approaches, autumn goes away for another year. This perfect season of sunsets and beautiful colours is starting to be replaced by the cold and frosty mornings. But, before it ends, there’s nothing like a goodbye on the beach and a good company.
Milfontes 059c
Milfontes 081cop
Milfontes 104
Milfontes 083cop
  Goodbye autumn.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Porto Côvo

  Near where I live there are some great places to spend holidays. We have the most amazing beaches of our country. Many foreigner come here to bathe in our great atlantic sea water, to eat our delicious food, to drink our fantastic wines and beers and to experience the peace of our region.

  This little town named Porto Côvo is also famous for its Moor Castle and its little island (Ilha do Pessegueiro). Both places have beautiful surroundings where you can admire the nature in its fullness.

  Porto Côvo is crowded in the summer because of all its natural attractions and good restaurants. The landscapes are unique and the people are very friendly. It's a great way to relax and enjoy the beaches. That's why it's a destination mostly chosen by families.


Monday, 23 July 2012

Summer way

  These photos were taken in Vila Nova de Milfontes. The river that passes through the village (Rio Mira) meets the sea here (as you can see in the first photo).

   The best part is that the day ends with a beautiful sunset.

All images & content are © Miss Goes Away / Maria Ana Campos. Please link all photos and content you borrow off this site back to this page.